Friday, September 29, 2006

it's all fun and games until someone gets feelings, because feelings are messy

I wish...

something. I think.

I don't really know. Danelle asked Sarah today what she'd be doing right now if it could be anything. She answered, and so far as I could tell she was telling the truth. But that's not the point, or not my point (at this point).

So being the alleged egomaniac that I am (OK, I actually am, and it's not even close), I directed this question selfwards. Here's what I discovered: I really don't see myself wanting to be anywhere else. Sure, I'm enjoying school, but it's not like I'm enjoying school that much. How is it possible that I can't think of another place, or another time, or another anything that I'd rather be in? Am I that unimaginative? Or maybe this is just the way I get when all is well. And all is well. My life is organized and balanced. I'm eating well, sleeping fine, exercising regularly, studying consistently (relatively speaking, of course), spending time with friends, and I've still had time to practice music and read books. And there's no drama. Or promiscuity. (Basically, my life in no way resembles any of NBC's shows I refuse to watch. Actually, it's not much like any TV I can think of).


I'm a bit unsure as to what to do with a lull like this. I'm not used to having all the pieces fall into place for much longer than a day, say nothing of a couple weeks. And the horizon looks equally uneventful. What is one to do with such smooth waters? Push the sky, I guess. Some Squall is bound to arise eventually.

Goals for the near future:
Get our brass quintet going
Pass classes (well, that probably should have been first)
Read Atlas Shrugged
Find out about starting a school paper

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