at school, there are always "interest group" meetings. i'm not quite sure why. i think they're the residency equivalent of premed or predent societies. you get the internal medicine interest group (IMIG) or the mission interest group (MIG) or the pediatrics interest group (presumably PIG, but it's never been advertised as such).
these events often include food, which is probably their major draw. medical students are easily bought. feed us a $2.50 burrito and give us a water bottle, and we're yours for 45 minutes (especially if we have lab in the afternoon and therefore need to be back on campus later). for all our self-professed high standards and professional responsibilities, we are whores for a free meal.
to be fair, the ceremonies that accompanies the meals probably are worth it. the meal is probably a perk. but wow. just think. for twenty thousand bucks or so, you could indoctrinate a whole generation of physicians with whatever sort of lunchtime garbage you wanted to feed them. religion, politics, business practices, anything. and they'd soak it up better than they do psychopathology.
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