Thursday, September 07, 2006

I wonder if insomnia is actually the technical name

As far as sleepless nights go, I've definitely had worse. In fact, I think I've rarely, if ever had better. The crickets and freeway are providing some nice background noise, the moon is full and bright and there are enough clouds in the sky to really keep the earth lit, and I have a full glass of ice water and a half full box of goldfish crackers (yes, that's right, the glass if completely full and the goldfish box is half full, though both could very well end up empty before I even begin considering putting them down. I wonder if there's ice cream. I'm gonna be so fat. I'll be the fattest skinny person ever. I bet one day some dimension traveler is gonna come pay me a visit and say, "you know, some tear in the time-space continuum has allowed all your fat to be transported into a different dimension, and it's all ended up in my linen closet, and so now I'm here to return it," and then he'll hand me a 200 pound plastic bag. Yeah, that makes sense. Well what can I say. Good nights are full of bad ideas.).

I haven't studied yet today. Maybe I should do some of that now. Life just got in the way of studies, and so I didn't study. There's no way I'm gonna study now. I'm too tired to learn anything. Unfortunately this level of fatigue somehow doesn't translate into golden slumbers, except that it just kinda did since now I'm searching my iTunes library for the Abbey Road album.

Sleep pretty darling do not cry...

I learned something fascinating about girl today. I don't actually know if it's true, but it sounds true. Apparently, girls don't have to be sad to cry. They can cry when they're angry or confused or happy, and not just sad or disappointed. I can't exactly explain this phenomenon. I suppose I should liken it to the way the body produces an inflammatory response to a general insult, only for girls it's the way they cry whenever... (and here's where I'm having difficulty still, but I believe it has something to do with emotions.)

I wish I had more to write about, but I just got tired, and I'm gonna try to go with this feeling.

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