Friday, December 22, 2006

Breakin' (and broke)

Break is a wonderful, lethargy-inducing thing. It was just during test week that I had so many intentions and ambitions in terms of books to read and people to contact and schemes to put into motion.

Break totals thus far:

Books read: 1/478th. This isn't 1 of 478 books. This is 2 pages of a 956-page book. Now my real literary achievement is the progress I've made (with Greg) in Bookworm Adventures. It really is like crack for linguists. I'm in withdrawals.

People seen: Craig. Notable omissions from this list: Jarrod. Peter. Doug. Jay. Laus. Oh wait, wait wait, this is trouble. I'm gonna forget people and they're gonna feel bad and then that's just another mess for me to ignore.

Schemes implemented: Zero. I need to be working on the ADRA Vietnam web page, and the newspaper that I keep threatening to start. Also I need to figure out what's going on next summer, in terms of me, and my involvement with things next summer. Yes, it is a selfish view of next summer, but it's mine and that's enough (and thank you Mr. Kierkegaard and Mr. Nietzsche for ratifying all this. Or so I've heard. I haven't actually read those guys. I'm pretending to be much better read than I actually am. I did the same thing all last week during exams, with the same limited success).

I haven't even watched It's a Wonderful Life. But before we go around calling me the G-word that rhymes with lynch, I am watching (albeit for the first time) Serendipity, which does seem to be showing some Christmas spirit here in the early going, so it's not a total loss just yet.

The other day, my aunt told my brother that she thinks I need a hobby. Or a girlfriend (though I think her words were "a female interest," which in my estimation, sounds quite a lot like a hobby). So I'm thinking stamp collecting.

Wow. I can't think of anything more boring than stamp collecting, except maybe looking at someone else's stamp collection.

Maybe I'll show that female interest my stamp collection.

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